Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Saving Private Ryan

I have always liked learning about war. I think that it is a very interesting topic. There sis a lot to learn about the world we live in and the way people interact. I thought that the opening scene was one of the most powerful scenes in film that I have ever watched. The different angles of shots that htey use allows for the viewer to see the action from many perspectives, but the two main perspectives are from the soldiers going onto the beach and then the soldiers that are defending the beach. The special effects and make-up are a hude part of this scene. You get to see death first handed and watch people get injured. This is all because they planned out the scene and used fake bomb, guns, ships, and make-up to help. This scene leaves you with a feeling of confusing, emptiness and not knowing. But in part that is what war is.

American Gangster

I have always been a fan of Denzel Washington, so when I saw that he was the lead for this film I knew that it would be good. I was very impressed with this film. They did a great job on taking Brooklyn and making it look like it was from the 1960s. The costumes and make-up that was used was perfect for this era. The men were wearing the nice baby blue suites. I thought that it was very interesting the way that he made his business. I never really thought that you had to have a plan, when you were a drug dealer trying to make a go of a certain drug. He had a business mind frame and that is why he did so well and grew an empire. He knew all the ins and outs of the business and was able to sell the right amount of a product for the best price. The movie was so full of suspence that it kept you watching and wanting more.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Notting Hill

There is something about British humor that makes me laugh. This movie is a great movie because to some extent it shows culture shock. There is an American women that travels to London, England and she is forced to get used to the British culture becuase she is there for awhile. This reminded me of when I went to Britian and I had to get used to people driving on the other side of the road, speaking in British Slang, and British pounds. I thought that it was interesting that they used British tourist aractions for the setting. This made it more authentic and the viewers are able to see what Britian is like. There was a great script in the movie that showed the viewers the ups and downs of following in love. It lets you know what may come at you in a relationship. And I love seeing London through a camera angle it brings back so many great memories.

Across The Universe

As a true Beatles fan, I was unsure of seeing this film. I didn't want them to ruin Abbey Road for me. But one day I just did it and thought if it was terrible I would just turn of the movie. It turned out to be amazing. I thought that they were very creative with the songs and got the right person to sing the songs. The stiry line was wonderful. I love how they could incorporate the songs into the dialogue but still have it flow. They did a great job in editing. They could have two different people singing a song but they would flip between the characters and you would be able to see their different lives. I also thought that it was a prefect idea to make the two main character have names that came from Beatles song, Jude and Lucy. The filmmakers made sure to keep the Beatles culture running through the whole film.

The Breakfast Club

This is my most favourite movie of all time. I think that it is because I love the characters that are invovled in the movie. Each character is so differnt, but by the end of the movie they all get along. I think that this is a perfect example of the real world. You can not judge people right away because you do not know what they are like on the inside you only know what they physically look like. But that could not match the person that is on the inside. I think that is also amazing that they are sent to detention on a Saturday at there high school and they are never supervised. I love everything about this movie.

Stop Loss

Going to this movie at the thearte was not sure what to expect it is produced my MTV and I didn't think that it would be that great. But it turned out that I learned a lot about the war. The characters in the movie were so well developed. I felt like I was one of their friends going through there life with them after they returned to America. Tghe most interesting part of the film was that I found out that stop loss is an actaul event that has occured to 80,000 soldiers in the American forces. It is when you are sent back to war even though you have gotten out of the army. The president of the United States is the one who sends the soldiers to war. I think that this is so wrong, but if that is the way they want to run their army there is nothing that anyone else can do.


I loved this movie. I thought that the idea of the movie was a very good one. I have always wanted to be able to watch my dreams at a later date or get someone else to watch them to show how confusing they were. I thoguht that it was interesting that they wree using the dream device to help figure what kinds of psychological problems that people are having. With the help of the dream device they would be able to help people but everything went worng. All I was thinking was if my dreams were like the ones in the movie I would be very scared and so confused when I woke up. I am just very happy that they do not have a dream device and that no one is getting in my head.


I very much enjoyed this movie. I liked how it showed a different culture and religion. Not only was it enjoyable to watch, I also learned something from it. I like the whole movie but i felt somewhat unsettled at the end. I think that this is because the young child have no hope. She is left at the shelter and she will be there for the rest of her life. I thought that it was hard to except that the child was given to the man at the train station. I didn't like this because the women knew that this man father had raped the little girl, but she still give her to the family. I am hoping that the young man will not let his father to be in the young girls life so that nothing happens to her. But this movie shows the reality of the world and is an eye opener.

Monday, April 14, 2008


I thought that this movie was bizarre. I didn't know what to expect when we started to watch it because I had never heard of this movie before. After watching it I thought that it was a very interesting idea. I liked the characters in the film. I thought that Scottie was a great ditective. I think that he was personally very interestd in the events with the girl even though it was his job. I feel that he was not forced into this job, he found this particular case to be vrey interesting and he wanted to pursue the case to his fullest ability. I loved the character Midge I thought that she was adorable. She was into her art and just loved life. But she was secretly in love with Scottie and she didn't want him to get to invovled in this case. I felt that throughout the movie she gets her heart broken.

The Graduate

I thought that this movie was so weird. I didn't really like the main character, Ben. I thought that he was a kid that he was given everything that he wanted. He was an ivy league gradaute, but with all of this he still wanted more. Being confused from the life that he was given he needed more. I think Ben was so messed up that he didn't know what to do and he was lost. The film had so many apects to it that I thought were very well done for the time that it was produced. The different types of shots that are used and the specail effects are all the begining of the whole new world of film. I think that Dustin Hoffman did a very good job of playing a character that did not know his true self.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Singing in the Rain

I have always enjoyed going to musicals or watching them on video. Before film class I had not heard of the movie. Iwas not sure what to expect but I really enjoyed the movie. I liked how they told the history of the movie industry but they did it through song. This made it more enjoyable to watch. There was comic releif through the movie. The characters in the film started at the beinging of the movie as very flat and not much to them but by the end the charcter were round. The viewers are able to see the conflicts between the characters and then see them grow. I thought that the music and setting were very appropriate for the movie.

The Bourne Ultimatium

When I first saw this movies in the theatre I really enjoyed it. I like how the movie is fast paced and you are always wondering what is going to happen next. The movie allowws for you to guess what Jayson Bourne's next move is going to be. Throughout the movie the director uses great forms of editing to make the story line more in depth and somewhat confusing. The editing trick that he uses is flashback. This technique brings the viewer back and orth through time with Bourne and shows the charcters life changing through out. I thought that it was effective when they used hand held cameras in some foot chasing scenes to show the viewer the stress that Bourne was going through.

Appocolypse Now

I have always enjoyed watching war movies, but i had never seen this movie until we watched it as a class. I was very disappointed in the movie. I thought that there was going to be more war scenes and less about the characters. People have told that it was amazing but I found it to be very long and dragged out. On the other had there was some parts in the movie that i enjoyed. I really liked how the director allowed for the actors to take there characters to the extreme and let them act like they really did experience the war. The shots and angles that they used made you feel like you could see what was going on in their minds because of the facail expressions and the body language that was caught on tape.